Sano Gaucharan, Kathmandu, Nepal     (977-1-) 4534119      (977-1-) 5244257

Construction License :: Transmission Line

Updated on - Feb 21, 2025

S No Project Voltage (kV)
Line Length (km) Capacity (MW) Lic No Isuue Date Validity Promoter
Address Start Point
End Point
1 Electricity Production, Transmission and Distribution 132 1 2052-02-28 2101-11-30Nepal Electricity Authority Kathmandu Integrated power supply of Nepal INPS 22 numbers of transmission lines from B.S. 2023 to 2047
2 Duhabi Bhantabari 132 2 2052-04-16 2101-11-30Nepal Electricity Authority Kathmandu Duhabi Bhantabari
3 Kali Gandaki A Transmission Project 132 3 2053-07-21 2101-11-30Nepal Electricity Authority Kathmandu Kali Gandaki A PH Butwal/Lekhnath SS
4 Upper Bhotekoshi 132 4 2053-08-13 2093-07-30Bhotekoshi Power Company
5 Khimti - Sunkoshi-Bhaktapur-Chapali-Balaju 132 105 4405 2053-10-02 2101-11-30Nepal Electricity Authority Kathmandu Khimti S/S Balaju S/S File no: 154
6 Chilime-Debighat 66 6 2054-09-15 2104-03-31Nepal Electricity Authority Kathmandu Chilime PH Debighat
7 Kushaha-Dhalkbar (Double Circuit) 132 7 2054-11-06 2101-11-30Nepal Electricity Authority Kathmandu
8 Hetauda-Dhalkbar Butwal-Bardghat(Double Circuit) 132 181 558 2055-08-11 2101-11-30Nepal Electricity Authority Kathmandu Hetauda Bardaghat
9 Modi - Pokhara 132 9 2055-09-30 2101-11-30Nepal Electricity Authority Kathmandu
10 Lalpur - Gadachauki 132 10 2055-12-15 2101-11-30Nepal Electricity Authority Kathmandu
11 Indrawati - Panchkhal 132 11 2057-06-27 2104-09-29National Hydropower Co Pvt Ltd Kathmandu Indrawati III Panchkhal SS File no: 334
12 Middle Marsyangdi 132 13 2059-04-29 2109-03-31Nepal Electricity Authority Kathmandu File no: 476
13 Sunkoshi Small 11 14 2060-01-05 2094-03-31Sanima Hydropower Pvt Ltd Naksal, Kathmandu, P.O.Box 19739, Phone 014415314, 4446442, Fax 01-4441277
14 Birgunj Corridor Reinforcement Project 132 17 5015 2060-05-26 2085-05-25Nepal Electricity Authority Kathmandu Pathlaiya Parwanipur File no: 508
15 K-3 Transmission Line Project 66 16 2061-05-08 2086-05-07Nepal Electricity Authority Kathmandu File no: 535
16 Thankot-Chapagaun-Bhaktapur Transmission 132 27 5017 2061-08-17 2086-08-16Nepal Electricity Authority Kathmandu Matatirth Harisiddi File no: 578
17 Butwal-Sunauli Transmission 132 22 15018 2062-03-19 2112-03-18Nepal Electricity Authority Kathmandu Jogikuti NEA Substation India Nepal Boarder Sunnauli Substation
18 Duhabi - Tankisinuwari Transmission 33 19 2062-03-26 2097-03-25Nepal Electricity Authority Kathmandu
19 Khimti - Dhalkebar Transmission 220 73 25020 2063-10-19 2088-10-18Nepal Electricity Authority Kathmandu Switchard of Khimti One HEP Dhalkebar Substation
20 Chandranigahpur Transmission Network 33 40.88 2421 2064-08-27 2089-08-26Nepal Electricity Authority Kathmandu Chandranigahpur NEA Substation Haripur NEA Substation
21 Hewa Khola 33 7.25 2.422 2065-04-16 2090-04-15Barun Hydropower Development Pvt. Ltd. Phone 01-6226073 Switchayrd of Hewa HEP Tirtire NEA Substation
22 Bardghat - Hetauda 220 143 12223 2065-09-14 2090-09-13Nepal Electricity Authority Kathmandu Hetauda Bardaghat
23 Balanch- Atteria 132 kV Transmission Line 132 131 3024 2065-09-29 2090-09-28Nepal Electricity Authority Kathmandu Balanch Attariya NEA Substation Double Circuit Stringing later
24 Kusum - Purandhara 132 21.64 1825 2066-02-11 2091-02-10Dang Cement Industries PO Box 24347 Kathmandu Lamahi NEA Substation Switchyard of Dang Cement Factory Transferred to NEA on 2067-12-01
25 Chaku Khola 33 2 1026 2066-03-25 2091-03-24Laughing Buddha Power Nepal Pvt Ltd Hadigaun, Kathmandu, Phone 4429533, 4411153 Switchard of Middle Chaku HEP Switchyard of Lower Chaku HEP
26 Baramchi - Sunkoshi 33 15 1027 2066-09-04 2091-09-03Unique Hydel Co Pvt Ltd PO Box 19554, Phone 4672598 Switchyard of Baramchi Khola HEP Sunkoshi NEA Substation
27 Butwal - Kohalpur (D/C stringing) 132 10028 2067-02-19 2101-11-30Nepal Electricity Authority Kathmandu
28 Singati - Jagat (Sipring Khola HP) 33 1029 2067-11-30 2092-11-29Synergy Power Development Co Kathmandu
29 Kabeli Corridor 132 15030 2067-12-25 2092-12-24Nepal Electricity Authority Kathmandu
30 Bijaypur-1 33 kV Transmission 33 4.531 2067-12-25 2092-12-24Bhagwati Hydropower Development Pvt Ltd
31 Singati-Lamosanghu 132 10032 2068-01-09 2093-01-08Nepal Electricity Authority Kathmandu
32 Anbukhaireni - Dumre - Damauli 132 2433 2068-01-09 2093-01-08Nepal Electricity Authority Kathmandu
33 Kamane - Laxmipur Transmission 33 2434 2068-01-19 2093-01-18Nepal Electricity Authority Kathmandu
34 Dumre-Damauli 132 5035 2068-02-19 2093-02-18Nepal Electricity Authority Kathmandu
35 Mai HEP Transmission 132 12 2236 2068-03-02 2093-03-01Sanima Hydropower Pvt Ltd Naksal, Kathmandu, P.O.Box 19739, Phone 014415314, 4446442, Fax 01-4441277 Switchayrd of Mai HEP Godak NEA Substation
36 Dhalkebar - Bhittamod Cross-border 400 39 40037 2068-05-08 2093-05-07Nepal Electricity Authority Kathmandu Dhalkebar NEA Substation Nepal India Boarder Mujjafarpur
37 Larcha-Chaku 33kV (Bhairabkund HP 33 6.2 338 2068-06-15 2093-06-14Bhairabkund HP Kathmandu Switchyard of Bhairavkund Khola HEP Chaku
38 Kulekhani 3 132 0.5 1439 2068-07-17 2093-07-16Nepal Electricity Authority Kathmandu Switchyard of Kulekhani 3 HEP Switchyard of Kulekhani 2
39 Hetauda - Kulekhani - Siuchatar 132 42 3240 2068-08-06 2101-11-30Nepal Electricity Authority Kathmandu Hetauda NEA Substation Switchatar Substation
40 Lower Modi 132 7.7 1041 2068-08-22 2093-08-21United Modi Kathmandu Switchyard of Modi 1 HEP Switchyard of Modi Khola HEP
41 Kohalpur - Mahendranagar Second Circuit 132 198 10042 2068-08-25 2101-11-30Nepal Electricity Authority Kathmandu Kohalpur Substation Lalchowk NEA Substation
42 Tadi Khola 33 8.4 543 2069-04-22 2094-04-21Adishakti Vidyut Co Kathmandu Switchyard of Tadi Khola HEP Chaughda NEA Substation
43 Mabu - Ilam 132 kV Transmission 132 18.5 2044 2069-08-17 2094-08-16Mai Valley Hydro Power Pvt Ltd
44 Hetauda - Dhalkebar & Duhabi 400 kV 400 285 100045 2069-10-03 2094-10-02Nepal Electricity Authority Kathmandu
45 Mailung Khola Transmission Line 66 3 646 2070-01-10 2095-01-09Mailung Khola Jalbidyut Company Pvt. Ltd. Subarna Samsher Marg, Baluwatar, Phone 4419703 Milung Dobhan Ramche 66 kV TL
46 Pikhuwa Khola Transmission Line Project 33 3.5 2.547 2070-02-08 2095-02-07Eastern Hydropower Pvt. Ltd. Kathmandu Powerhouse at Bhojpur VDC Panitanki Substation
47 Upper Tamakoshi Transmission Line Project 220 47 577.848 2070-05-21 2095-05-20Upper Tamakoshi Hydropower Limited Gyaneshwor, kathmandu, PO Box: 36070, Phone: 4424694 Lamabagar Khimti Substation
48 Upper Trishuli 3A Transmission Line Project 220 45 30949 2070-05-27 2095-05-26Nepal Electricity Authority Durbarmarg, Kathmandu Upper trishuli 3A Project Matatirtha Substation
49 Lamahi-Ghorahi Transmission Line Project 132 12.1 10050 2070-07-05 2095-07-04Nepal Eletricity Authority Durbarmarg, kathmandu Lamahi Ghorahi
50 Solu corridor 132 kV Transmission Line Project 132 88.4 35251 2070-09-14 2095-09-13Nepal Electricity Authority Durbarmarga, Kathmandu Mirchaiya Tingla
51 Hugdi - Birbas 33 kV Line 33 12 552 2071-05-26 2096-05-25Ruru Jalvidyut Pariyojana P ltd POB 8416 Samakhusi 29 Kathmandu, Ph 4389703 Switchyard of Hungdi HEP Birbas NEA Substation
52 Tungun Thosne and Khani Khola 33 16.214 6.3653 2071-05-29 2096-05-28Khani Khola Hydropower Company 226 Milapmarg Vishal Nagar, PoB 8975 Kathmandu, Ph 01-4417947, 4436325 Tungun Thosne Switch Yard Malta NEA Substation
53 Siuri Khola HEP 33 kV Transmission Line 33 7.5 557 2071-08-25 2096-08-24Nyadi Group Pvt Ltd P.O. Box: 14165, Tel: 01-4102651, Fax: 01-43732020 Siuri SS, Bhulbhule Khudi SS, Thakanbesi
54 Solu HEP 132 KV 132 2.6 23.554 2071-10-04 2096-10-03Upper Solu Hydro Electric Co.Pvt.Ltd. Narayan Chour Switchyard of Solu HEP Lamane NEA Substation
55 Koshi Corridor 220 220 85055 2071-10-09 2096-10-08Nepal Electricity Authority Darbar Marg Kathmandu, POB 10020 Dhunge Bisauni Sunsari Jhokraha
56 Nugad Gad HP 33 5 8.556 2071-10-09 2096-10-08Api Power Co. Ltd Trade Tower, Thapathali KTM, 5111035 Switchyard Darchula Sikhar
57 Chhandi Khola & Upper Chhandi Khola Joint HEP Transmission Line 33 10 658 2071-11-15 2096-11-14Chhyangdi Hydropower Limited Gairidhara Kathmandu Switchyard udipur Survey Lic No: 0 Date: 0000-00-00
58 Daram Khola A 33kV 33 5 2.559 2072-03-31 2097-03-30Sayapatri Hydropower P Ltd Kathmandu Switchyard harichaur Survey Lic No: 158 Date: 2069-07-15
59 Upper Madi 132kV Transmission Line Project 132 10 11860 2072-06-11 2097-06-10Madi Power Pvt. Ltd. Gorkha Complex, Min Bhavan, PO Box: 2581, Phone: 014106507, 014106731 Fax: 01410 Sildujure Lekhnath Substation Survey Lic No: 185 Date: 2070-06-06
60 Jogmai Khola HPP Joint Transmission Line Project 33 10.88 1961 2072-06-13 2097-06-12Sanvi Energy Pvt. Ltd. Manbhavan, Lalitpur, PO Box: 8975EPC1341, Phone: 5532860 Switchyard of Jogmai Khola Project Proposed Godak Substation Survey Lic No: 173 Date: 2069-12-29 SC & DC both
61 Samundratar-Trishuli 3B Hub 132 kV Transmission Line Project 132 25 10062 2072-07-02 2097-07-01Nepal Electricity Authority Durbarmarg, Kathmandu Samundratar Trishuli 3B Hub-stationt Survey Lic No: 181 Date: 2070-04-20
62 Hewa Khola A 132 kV Transmission Line 132 15 4.563 2072-07-20 2097-07-19Panchthar Power Company P Kathmandu Switchyard Fidim Substation Survey Lic No: 167 Date: 2069-10-08
63 Bhulbhule-Madhya Marsyangdi TL Project 132 22 10064 2072-09-02 2097-09-01Nepal electricity Authority Durbarmarg Upper Marsyangdi A HEP Switchyard Madhya Marsyangdi Survey Lic No: 203 Date: 2071-03-31
64 Thapa Khola Transmission Line Project 33 4 11.265 2072-10-17 2097-10-16Mount Kailash Energy Pvt. Ltd. P. O. Box: 12107, Banasthali-16, Kathmandu. Phone: 014387869, Fax: 014350870 Thapa Khola Project P/H Proposed Koban Substation Survey Lic No: 184 Date: 2070-06-06
65 Daraudi A 33 kV Transmission Line Project 33 17 666 2072-12-01 2097-11-30Daraudi Kalika Hydropower Pvt.Ltd. Baluwatar 4, kathmandu, kalika tower , 6th floor, P.O.Box 21534, Phone 4439152 Switchyard at chanute Gorkha, Substation Survey Lic No: 0 Date: 0000-00-00
66 Trishuli 3B Hub Substation 220 0.744 40067 2072-12-07 2097-12-06Nepal Electricity Authority Kathmandu Upper 3A Matatirtha 220kV Matatirtha Busbar Survey Lic No: 161 Date: 2069-08-12
67 Lower Solu HEP 132 kV Transmission Line 132 8268 2072-12-22 2097-12-21Essel Clean Solu Hydropower Pvt Ltd Kathmandu power house Lamane substation Survey Lic No: 235 Date: 2072-09-17
68 Marsyandi - Kathmandu 220 KV Transmission line Project 220 85 55069 2072-12-22 2097-12-21Nepal Electricity Authority PBO 10020, Kathamndu Aabukhareni kathmandu
69 Chake Khola 33 9.55 2.8370 2073-01-12 2098-01-11Grjyang Upatyaka HP L New Bazar. Ph No 43822205 switchyard Jiri Survey Lic No: 218 Date: 2071-10-04
70 Chilime Hub Substation and 220 kV TL Project 220 26.5 50071 2073-01-14 2098-01-13Nepal Electricity Authority P.O.B.10020, Durbarmarga Kathmandu Chilime Hub Trishuli 3 B Hub Substation Survey Lic No: 164
71 Upper Chaku A HEP 132 kV Transmission Line Project 132 15 38.4672 2073-02-04 2098-02-03Shiva Shree Hydro Power PLtd Kathmandu Powerhouse at Marming VDC Lamo Sanghu Substation Survey Lic No: 179 Date: 2070-02-10
72 sardi khola 33 kv Transmission line Project 33 13.27 473 2073-02-11 2098-02-10Mandakini Hydropower Pvt.Ltd. GPO Box: 7327, Katmandu Power house New hemja baskot Survey Lic No: 213 Date: 2071-08-26
73 Kusma Tallo Modi ( Kaligandaki Corridor) 132 6.05 10074 2073-03-27 2098-03-26Nepal Electricity Authority Darbar Marg Kathmandu, POB 10020 Khurkot NEA Substation Switchyard of United Modi HEP Survey Lic No: 215 Date: 2071-09-17
74 Kaligandaki Corridor 220 kV Transmission Line 220 40 50075 2073-04-07 2098-04-06Nepal Electricity Authority Kathmandu Kushma substation daana substation Survey Lic No: 202 Date: 2071-03-20
75 Rasuwagadhi (Bhotekoshi-Trishuli) 132kV TL 132 9.55 11176 2073-08-17 2098-08-16Chilime Hydropower Co. Ltd. Gyaneswor, Po.B.No. 25210 Powerhouse Chilime Hub Substation Survey Lic No: 116 Date: 27-02-2067
76 Mistri HEP Mistri-Dana 132 kV Transmission Line 132 3.5 4277 2073-10-10 2098-10-09Robust Energy Pvt Ltd P.O. Box: 21729, Panipokhari, KTM, Tel: 4437705, 4441648, 6226870 Powerhouse/Switchyard at nyarchang V.D.C daana substation Survey Lic No: 126 Date: 2067-04-21
77 Khimti - Grajyang 132 kV Transmissin Line 132 30.98 10078 2073-10-20 2098-10-19Nepal Electricity Authority Kathmandu NEA Hub Substation in Dolakha Chuchure Hub Substation Survey Lic No: 189 Date: 2070-10-27
78 Midim khola (karapu) HPP 33 KV TL Project 33 7.6 379 2073-11-10 2098-11-09M/s Union Hydropower Pvt.Ltd. PBO 12637, Kathamndu Proposed power house Ram Bazzar Substation Survey Lic No: 241 Date: 12-22-2072
79 Kabeli B1, 132 KV Transmission line Project 132 5 59.8480 2073-11-24 2098-11-23Arun Kabeli Power Limited GPO Box: 11039, Katmandu Switchyard Amarpur Substation Survey Lic No: 219 Date: 2071-12-11
80 Molung Khola HEP 33 kv Transmission line 33 10 781 2074-01-11 2099-01-10molung hydropower Pvt.Ltd GPO Box: 5813, Katmandu Porposed power House at harkapur VDC Siddicharan municipality Survey Lic No: 223 Date: 2072-03-24
81 Lower Hewa Khola Transmission Line Project 132 3.2 21.682 2074-02-02 2099-02-01Mountain Hydro Nepal pvt. Ltd. Kalanki, Kathmandu-14 Powerhouse of Lower Hewa Khola Project Phidim Substation Survey Lic No: 257 Date: 01-07-2073
82 koshi corridor 220 kv Transmission line project 220 31.5 85083 2074-02-30 2099-02-29Nepal Electricity Authority P.O.B.10020, Durbarmarga Kathmandu Basantapur S/S Changey S/S at Dhungesangu Survey Lic No: 0 Date: 0000-00-00
83 Nyadi 132kV Transmission Line Project 132 9.408 3084 2074-03-11 2099-03-10Nyadi Hydropower Limited gangadevi marg, buddhanagar, 26305, 4781776 Bahundada PH Middle Marsyandi switchyard Survey Lic No: 271 Date: 08-09-2073
84 New Modi Lekhnath 132 kV Transmission Line 132 42.198 13085 2074-05-19 2099-05-18Nepal Electricity Authority Kathmandu New Modi substation Lekhnath substation Survey Lic No: 146 Date: 2069-01-25
85 Kapadi Gad HEP 33 kV Transmission Line 33 28 3.3386 2074-05-27 2099-05-26Salmani Devi Hydropower Pvt. Ltd. Dhungaadda, Tinthana-07, Ktm Respective Switchyard of the project at Budar Substation NEA, Budar Bajar Survey Lic No: 191 Date: 2070-11-04
86 Upper Khorunga Transmission Line Project 33 4.7 7.587 2074-06-01 2099-05-31Terhathum Power Company Pvt. Ltd. PO Box: 14130, Kathmandu, Aradhana Complex, Baagbazaar. Phone: 014240661, Fax: 0 Powerhouse of Upper Khorug Project Jiri-Khimti Substation Survey Lic No: 207 Date: 2071-05-02
87 Bagmati-Kulekhani Transmission Line 66 13 2088 2074-06-01 2099-05-31Mandu Hydropower Limited Kamaladi 31 Kathmandu Switchyard of Bagmati HPP Kulekhani-I substation Survey Lic No: 170 Date: 2069-11-14
88 Kushwa-Biratnagar 132 kV Transmission Line 132 22.8 20089 2074-07-17 2099-07-16Nepal Electricity Authority PBO 10020, Kathamndu Jhokharha, Sunsari Belgachhiya S/S of NEA, Sunsari Survey Lic No: 238 Date: 2072-12-02
89 Tamakoshi-Kathmandu Transmission Line 400 100 50090 2074-07-27 2099-07-26Nepal Electricity Authority Durbarmarg, Kathmandu Fulase, Ramechhap Mulpani, Kathmandu Survey Lic No: 177 Date: 2070-01-31
90 Chautara-Lamosanghu 33 kV TL Project 33 6 6.491 2074-08-04 2099-08-03Nepal Electricity Authority PBO 10020, Kathamndu Chautara Substation Lamosanghu Substation Survey Lic No: 261 Date: 2073-07-25
91 Lower khare khola Transmission line 33 5.36 1192 2074-09-18 2099-09-17Universal Power Company Limited Blue Star Complex, Tripureshwore Power house of lower khare at Bigu NEA substation Singati Survey Lic No: 237 Date: 2072-12-02
92 Upper Hewa Khola Saanaa 33 kV TL Project 33 11 8.593 2074-09-26 2099-09-25Upper Hewa Khola Hydropower Company Pvt. Ltd. Kathmandu-32, Anaamnagar. Phn. No. 01-4102856 Jaljale Powerhouse Baneswor Substation Survey Lic No: 252 Date: 2073-03-07
93 Sanjen Transmission Line Project 132 1.135 42.594 2074-10-23 2099-10-22Sanjen Jalbidyut Company Limited PO Box: 12667, Lazimpat, Kathmandu , Phone: 014002049, Fax: 014002048 Switchyard of Sanjen Project Chilime Hub Substation Survey Lic No: 200 Date: 2071-03-06
94 Marsyangdi Corridor Udipur-New Bharatpur substation 220 52.08 160095 2074-11-11 2099-11-10Nepal Electricity Authority PBO 10020, Kathamndu Tanahu Markichowk Substation New Bharatpur Substation Survey Lic No: 234 Date: 2072-09-02
95 Kaligandaki corridor (Kusma New Butwal) 220 65 100096 2074-11-15 2099-11-14Nepal Electricity Authority Darbar Marg Kathmandu, POB 10020 Kusma Butwal Survey Lic No: 214 Date: 2071-09-07
96 Dordi Corridor 132 kV Transmission Line 132 15 16097 2074-12-13 2099-12-12Nepal Electricity Authority PBO 10020, Kathamndu Dhodeni VDC Udipur Hub Substation Survey Lic No: 240 Date: 2072-12-22
97 Sanjen to Chilime 66kV Tr. Ln. Rasuwa district 66 5 1198 2075-01-07 2100-01-06Shree Chilime Jal vidhut Company 520 Kalika Marg kathmandu Sanjen Hydropower project Chilime Switch yard Survey Lic No: 66 Date: 2063-10-28 Voltage is upgraded up to 132kV
98 Tanahu hydropower 220 kV transmission line 220 36.5 14099 2075-01-12 2100-01-11Tanahu Hydropower Limited Trade Tower 4th floor, Thapathali , Kathmandu, Tel:- 01-5111117, 5111118 powerhouse of Tanahu hydro new bharatpur substation NEA Survey Lic No: 317 Date: 2074-08-22
99 Puwa Khola one Jal vidhut 33 Kv Transmission line 33 4 5100 2075-02-08 2100-02-07Shree Puwa Khola one Hydropower Pvt.Ltd Baluwatar -2, Kathmandu Puwa Khola Hydropower Project Godak Nea Substation Survey Lic No: 192 Date: 2070-12-05
100 Kohalpur-Dampur 33kV TL 33 5.3 6.4101 2075-03-04 2100-03-03Nepal Electricity Authority Fattepur VDC, Tingharwa, Bheri Alinagar, Binauna VDC Survey Lic No: 284 Date: 2074-01-17
101 Bardaghat Sardi 132 kV Tr. Ln.Nawalparsi District 132 18 200102 2075-04-04 2100-04-03Nepal Electricity Authority Main office, Darbarmarg, Kathmandu Bardaghat Sardi Survey Lic No: 263 Date: 2073-08-09
102 Matatirtha-Naubise Transmission line 33 11.5 12.8103 2075-04-29 2100-04-28Nepal Electricity Authority Durbarmarg, Kathmandu Matatirtha, Kathmandu Naubise, Dhading Survey Lic No: 330 Date: 2074-11-09
103 Matatirtha-Malta transmission line 33 34 6.45104 2075-04-29 2100-04-28Nepal Electricity Authority Durbarmarg, Kathmandu Matatirtha substation at Kathmandu Malta VDC at Lalitpur Survey Lic No: 329 Date: 2074-11-06
104 Rudi Khola Transmission Line Project 33 3.5 15.4105 2075-05-04 2100-05-03Bindhabasini Hydropower Development Company Pvt. Ltd. Naya Baneshwor, Kathmandu-10, PO Box: 10242, Kathmandu. Phone: 4785671 Powerhouse of Rudi A and Rudi B Projects Proposed NEA Substation at Mijure Survey Lic No: 255 Date: 2073-04-31
105 Burtibang to Gorusinghe , Kapilvastu District 132 83.376 227.17106 2075-06-16 2100-06-15Nepal Electricity Authority Main office, Darbarmarg, Kathmandu Jitpur Substation Burtibang Substation Survey Lic No: 276 Date: 2073-09-29
106 Kushaha Kataiya 132kV 132 14 100107 2075-07-20 2100-07-19Nepal Electricity Authority PBO 23330, Kathmandu Kushaha Kataiya Survey Lic No: 253 Date: 2073-02-28 ; End Point is amended based on survey License 253 on 2077-04-26
107 Raksaul - Parwanipur 132 kV Transmission Line Project 132 22 150108 2075-07-20 2100-07-19Nepal Electricity Authority PBO 20225, Kathmadu Parwanipur Rakshwal Survey Lic No: 249 Date: 2073-02-06
108 Arun-3 HEP Construction power 33kV TL 33 46.58 10110 2075-07-20 2100-07-19SJVN Arun 3 Power Developemnt Company Pvt. Ltd. Madhyapur thimi lokanthali bhaktapur Arun -3 Hydro Power Project switchyard Tirtire NEA substation Survey Lic No: 282 Date: 2073-12-07
109 Khani Khola-1 Transmission Line Project 132 20 40109 2075-08-09 2100-08-08Shree Green Life Hydro power Ltd. Kamalpokhari, Kathmandu, PO Box: 3970, Phone: 5549912 Powerhouse of Khani Khola-1 HPP Singati NEA Substation Survey Lic No: 256 Date: 2073-06-06
110 Suri Khola Hydro Power Project Transmission Line Project 33 6.9 14111 2075-08-17 2100-08-16Shree Suri Khola Hydropower Pvt. Ltd. Tripureshwor, Kathmandu Switchyard of Suri Khola Hydro Power Pro Singati NEA Substation Survey Lic No: 205 Date: 2071-04-20
111 Marsyandi Corridor (Dharapani Udipur)Manag District 220 45.25 1600112 2075-10-02 2100-10-01Nepal Electricity Authority Main office, Darbarmarg, Kathmandu Dharapani Udipur Survey Lic No: 234 Date: 2072-09-02 Extended upto 2075-09-01
112 Sunwal 132 KV TL 132 0.1 100113 2075-10-13 2100-10-12Nepal Electricity Authority Survey Lic No: 295 Date: 2074-04-23
113 Arun-3 HPP , Sankhuwashabha District 400 217 900114 2075-10-25 2105-10-24Shree SJVN Arun 3 Power Developemnt Company Pvt. Ltd. Madhyapur Thimi Arun 3 HPP Dhalkebar NEA Substation to Nepal India Survey Lic No: 100 Date: 2066-02-08
114 Rukum Gad Hydro Power Project 33 20.78 5115 2075-11-03 2100-11-02Shree Rapti Hydro and General construction Pvt.Ltd. Tripureshwor-11, Kathmandu Switchyard of Rukum Gad Hydro Power Pro Musikot NEA Substation, Survey Lic No: 225 Date: 2072-03-24
115 Butwal Gorusinghe Lumbini, Rupandehi 132 19 200116 2075-12-11 2100-12-10Nepal Electricity Authority Main office, Darbarmarg, Kathmandu Jogikuti substation Mainahiya substation Survey Lic No: 352 Date: 2075-03-25
116 Upper Trishuli 1 HEP 220 kV T L 220 1.184 216117 2076-02-09 2109-07-22Nepal Water and Energy Development Company P Ltd Naksal, Kathmandu, 01-4412257, 4412229 Haku VDC, Rasuwa, switchyard of Upper Tr Nearest Angle Point to Chilime Trishuli Survey Lic No: 281 Date: 2073-11-09
117 Middle Bhotekoshi Hydro Power Project 220 5 102118 2076-04-28 2101-04-27Madhya Bhotekoshi Jalavidyut Company Ltd. GPO Box: 23599, Katmandu Switchyard of Maghya Bhotekoshi HPP Barhabise NEA Substation Survey Lic No: 222 Date: 2072-02-12 Er.Vijay
118 Upper Balephi A HPP, Sindhupalchowk Disrict 132 21 43.27119 2076-05-10 2101-05-09Shree Balephi Hydropower Ltd. Ratopool, Kathmandu Upper Balephi A HPP (Sindhupalchowk) Lamosangu Substation Survey Lic No: 372 Date: 2075-07-20
119 Sunkuda to Balanch 132 40 64.49120 2076-06-09 2101-06-08Shree kalanga hydro Dhobighat 3 Switchyard of Kalangad HPP to Upper Kala Upper Sanigad Switchyard to Balach NEA S Survey Lic No: 357 Date: 2075-04-13 Er.Vijay
120 Ghatte Khola Hydropower project 33Kv Transmission Line 33 15 5121 2076-06-15 2101-06-14Shree Manakamna Enginering Hydropower Pvt.Ltd. Shankhmul Marg , Naya Baneshwor , Kathmandu Switchyard of Ghatte Khola Hydropower Pr Singati NEA Substation(Dolakha) Survey Lic No: 345 Date: 2075-02-15
121 Dhalkebar Loharpati 132 kV Transmission Line 132 18.85 200122 2076-07-08 2101-07-07Nepal Electricity Authority PBO 20225, Kathmadu Dhalkebar NEA Substation (Dhanusha) Loharpati NEA Substation (Mahottari) Survey Lic No: 291 Date: 2074-03-28
122 Likhu-IV 220 19.15 52.4123 2076-07-20 2101-07-19Green Venture Pvt. Ltd. Triveni Complex, Putalisadak, Kathmandu, Ph: 01-4224074, Fax: 01-4266133 Likhu-IV power house at Ragani, Okhaldhu New Khimti substation NEA, Ramechap, Fula Survey Lic No: 297 Date: 2074-04-31
123 Kamane Substaion to Ridhi Sidhi Cement Factory 33 1.7 30124 2076-08-18 2101-08-17Nepal Electricity Authority Main office, Darbarmarg, Kathmandu Kamane Substation (Makwanpur) Ridhi Sidhi Cement Factory (Makwanpur) Survey Lic No: 346 Date: 2075-02-25
124 Solu Khola HEP 132 kV Transmission Line Project 132 12 86125 2076-09-11 2101-09-10Shree Sahas Urja Limited Hatisaar-1Ktm 014419182, 4419183, 4422756 Switchyard of Proposed power house at Pa Lamane Tingla NEA Substation(Solukhumbu) Survey Lic No: 246 Date: 2072-12-30 Er.Vijay
125 Upallo Khimti 132kV Transmission Line Project 132 1.7 12126 2076-11-07 2101-11-06Himalayan Urja Bikas Company Pvt. Ltd. Tinkunne, Kathmandu-35, 01-4111853, 01-4111674 Chuchure Ramechhap, Powerhouse/switchyar Garjang Substation Survey Lic No: 267 Date: 2073-08-12
126 Upper Khimti 2 Hydropower Project 132 1.5 7127 2076-11-07 2101-11-06shree Himalayan Urja Bikas Company Ltd. Subidhanagar , Kathmandu Upper Khimti 2 Switchyard Garjyang NEA Substation Survey Lic No: 387 Date: 2075-11-26
127 Likhu-2 Hydropower Project 132 5.403 132128 2076-11-14 2101-11-13Global Hydropower Associate Pvt.Ltd. 4th floor , Laxman Babu Bhawan , Naxal, Kathmandu, Nepal Switchyard of Project (Ramechap) Switchyard of Likhu A (Solukhumbu) Survey Lic No: 416 Date: 2076-06-24
128 Super Dordi Hpp 132 5.6 54129 2076-11-14 2101-11-13Shree Peoples Hydropower Co.Pvt.Ltd Anamnagar, Kathmandu Super Dordi Hpp Switchyard (Lamjung) Kirtipur Substation (Lamjung) Survey Lic No: 233 Date: 2072-07-20
129 Surkhet - Bijaura 33 40 3130 2076-11-28 2101-11-27Nepal Electricity Authority Main office, Darbarmarg, Kathmandu Birendranagar Surkhet Bijaura Survey Lic No: 411 Date: 2076-05-17
130 Dadakhet-Rahughat 132kV TL 132 25.4 200131 2077-01-30 2102-01-29Nepal Electricity Authority Dadakhet S/S Rahughat S/S Survey Lic No: 285 Date: 2074-01-20
131 Upper Rahughat and Rahughat Mangale 220 kV Transmission Line Project 220 15 106.8132 2077-01-30 2102-01-29Tundi Power Company Pvt . Ltd. PO Box 6341, Nayabato, Sanepa-3, Lalitpur Rahughat mangale Switchyard NEA Rahu Piple Substation Survey Lic No: 199 Date: 2071-03-04 Er.Vijay
132 Kohalpur Surkhet 132kV , Banke 132 55 100133 2077-02-29 2102-02-28Nepal Electricity Authority Main office, Darbarmarg, Kathmandu Kohalpur Substation Latikoyli Substation Survey Lic No: 354 Date: 2075-04-04
133 Taksar-Pikhuwa hydropower 33 kV transmission line 33 7.6 8134 2077-03-12 2102-03-11Taksar-Pikhuwa Hydropower Pvt. Ltd. Gairigaun, Kathmandu Taksar-Pikhuwa Hydropower switchyard Panitanki substation at Manebhanjyang Survey Lic No: 310 Date: 2074-07-12
134 Likhu-A HEP Transmission project 132 kv 132 29 161.04135 2077-03-19 2102-03-18Numbur Himalaya Hydropower Pvt.Ltd. kathmandu -30, Nepal Porposed power House nea New Khimti substation Survey Lic No: 230 Date: 2072-05-25
135 Upper Solukhola Hydro Electric 132 kV Transmission Line project 132 11 34.5136 2077-04-15 2102-04-14Beni Hydropower Project Pvt. Ltd. Handigaun-5, Kathmandu, Po Box 4691, Phone No:- 4429533 Switchyard of upper solu hydro power Lamane substation at Tingla Survey Lic No: 335 Date: 2074-12-05
136 Dordi-1 HEP 132 kV Single Circuit Transmission Line 132 3.5 12137 2077-04-15 2102-04-14Dordi Khola Jalbidyut Co. Ltd. Kathmandu-11, Tripureshwor; Phone: 01-4232748/49/50; P.O.Box 20290; Email: dordi Switchyard of Project Kirtipur S/S Lamjung Survey Lic No: 339 Date: 2074-12-13
137 Huxain Cement Malekhu 132kV Transmission Line Project 132 13 20138 2077-05-17 2102-05-16Shree Huxain Cement Narayani Pvt.Ltd. Anamnagar, Sahayog Marg-32, Kathmandu; Email:; 01-4430253, 985 Dhading NEA Substation Huaxain Cement Factory Survey Lic No: 396 Date: 2076-02-09
138 Makari Gad HPP 33 kV Transmission line 33 27.2 10139 2077-05-31 2102-05-30Makarigad Hydropower Pvt. Ltd. Kathmandu Metropolitan city, Ward No. 03, Panipokhari Switchyard of Makari HPP Balanch substation of NEA Survey Lic No: 301 Date: 2074-05-14
139 Tallo Likhu HEP 132kV Transmission Line Project 132 27 28.1140 2077-06-01 2102-05-31Shree Swet Ganga Hydropower and Construction Ltd. Naxal, 01-4446442, PO box no. 19737 132/11kV Switchyard at Bijulikot(Ramecha New Khimti Substation(Ramechap) Survey Lic No: 274 Date: 2073-10-03
140 Surkhet Gangate Matela 33kV transmission Line Project and Substation 33 22 3141 2077-06-01 2102-05-31Nepal Electricity Authority Main office, Darbarmarg, Kathmandu Ratnlal(Surkhet) Matela(Dailekh) Survey Lic No: 431 Date: 2076-08-25
141 Upper Mailung A 33 19 6.42142 2077-06-22 2102-06-21Energy Engineering Limited Thapathali-11 Kathmandu, P.O.Box 9292, 01-4101524 Switchyard of Project Trishuli 3B Hub S/S Survey Lic No: 232 Date: 2072-07-12
142 Likhu-1 Hydropower Project 132 7.5 77143 2077-07-06 2102-07-05Pan Himalaya Energy Pvt.Ltd. kathmandu -30, Nepal Switchyard of Proposed Power House(Soluk Proposed Subsatation of Likhu 2 (Ramecha Survey Lic No: 229 Date: 2072-05-07
143 Dordi Khola Hydropower Project 132 3 27144 2077-07-19 2102-07-18Himalayan Power Partner Ltd. Pani Pokhari, Kathmandu Swichyard of Dordi Khola HPP Udipur NEA HUB Survey Lic No: 400 Date: 2076-02-23
144 Lekhnath Damauli 220 kV Transmission Line Project 220 45 600145 2077-08-12 2102-08-11Nepal Electricity Authority Main office, Darbarmarg, Kathmandu Lekhanth S/S New Damauli S/S Survey Lic No: 385 Date: 2075-11-06 Double circuit
145 Balephi Corridor 132 kV TL Project 132 18.167 200146 2077-08-12 2102-08-11Nepal Electricity Authority PO box no. 10020, durbar marg Balephi S/S at Pantang VDC Barahbisey VDC S/S Double circuit; Survey Lic No: 293 Date: 2074-04-03
146 Middle Modi HEP Transmission Line 132 2.5 18147 2077-11-11 2102-11-10Middle Modi Hydro Power Limited Chaudhary Group, Sanepa, Lalitpur; Tel No. 01-5521994, 5525039/41 Switchyard of Project New Modi S/S Kerunga Survey Lic No: 464 Date: 2077-05-07
147 Belchautara Solar Farm TL 33 0.5 5148 2077-12-03 2102-12-02Solar Farm Pvt. Ltd. Chandrawati Marga , Ka.Ma.Pa-3 Basundhara, Contact no.: 014370966, 41373662 Switchyard of Project NEA Khairenitar S/S Survey Lic No: 453 Date: 2076-12-03
148 Upper Richet & Richet HEP Projects Joint Transmission Line 33 14 6.98149 2077-12-06 2102-12-05Shree Richet Jalvidhut Co.Pvt. Ltd. Mahalaxmisthan, Lalitpur-15; 01-5527469, 5523784; Switchyard of Upper Richet HEP NEA Baseri S/S (Dhading) Survey Lic No: 412 Date: 2076-05-17
149 Ghalemdi khola HEP TL 33 5.2 5150 2078-01-26 2103-01-25Ghalemdi Hydro Limited Ka.Ma.Na.Pa-16, Kathmandu Contact No.: 01-5902520 Switchyard of HEP Dana Substation Survey Lic No: 469 Date: 2077-05-24
150 Upper Syange Khola Small Hydropower Transmission Line Project 33 12 2.4151 2078-02-03 2103-02-02Upper Syange Hydropower Limited, Chandol, Kathmandu; 01-4442860, Switchyard of Upper Syange HEP(Lamjung) Khudi NEA Substation(Lamjung) Survey Lic No: 321 Date: 2074-10-15
151 Grid Connected Solar Power Project Dhalkebar 33 kV Transmission Line 33 4.9 3152 2078-02-18 2103-02-17Sagarmatha Energy and Construction Pvt.Ltd. Babrmahal, Kathmandu 01-4417898 Switchyard of Project (Dhanusha) NEA Dhalkebar Substation(Dhanusha) Survey Lic No: 447 Date: 2076-09-22
152 Mai Beni Hydro Power Project Joint Transmission Line 33 14.46 22.11153 2078-03-01 2103-02-31Samling Power Co.Pvt.Ltd. Sanepa-2 Lalitpur Switchyard of Super Mai A NEA Godak S/S Survey Lic No: 365 Date: 2075-05-28; Single & Double Circuit
153 Som Radhakrishna Solar Farm's Transmission Line Project 33 13 4.4154 2078-03-08 2103-03-07Nepal Solar Farm Private Limited Bafal, Kathmandu-13 Switchyard of Project NEA Lekhnath Substation Survey Lic No: 391 Date: 2076-01-22
154 Manihiya Sampattiya Cross Boarder Transmission Line Project 132 27.53 200155 2078-03-24 2103-03-23Nepal Electricity Authority Main office, Darbarmarg, Kathmandu 132/33/11 kV Manihiya S/S Along 132/33/ kV Nautanhwa(India) S/S AP Survey Lic No: 395 Date: 2076-02-07
155 Chandranigahapur Solar PV 33 kV Transmission Line 33 3 4156 2078-04-21 2103-04-20Api Power Company Limited Kathamndi MPC-11 Thapathali; 01-5111093; Switchyard of Project NEA Chandranigahapur S/S Survey Lic No: 483 Date: 2077-09-08
156 Upper Chhyangdi Hydropower Project 33 2.35 4157 2078-05-04 2103-05-03Shree Chhyangdi Hydropower Ltd. Samta Marga , Gairidhara-2, Kathmandu Switchyard of Upper Chhyangdi HPP(Lamjun Switchyard of Chhyangdi HPP Survey Lic No: 414 Date: 2076-06-12
157 New Butwal Bardghat 220 kV Transmission Line Project 220 21 500158 2078-05-20 2103-05-19Nepal Electricity Authority Durbar Marg Kathmandu Bardghat New Butwal S/S Survey Lic No: 494 Date: 2078-02-04
158 Maya Khola HP Transmission Line Project 33 3.4 14.9159 2078-05-21 2103-05-20Maya khola Hydropower Company Pvt.Ltd. 126 Milap Marg, Bishalnagar, Kathmandu-4 Switchyard of Project NEA Baneswor Substation Survey Lic No: 242 Date: 2072-12-22
159 Nilgiri Khola 1 & Nilgiri Khola 2 Joint Transmission Line Project 220 7.4 109160 2078-06-12 2103-06-11Nilgiri Khola Hydropower Co. Pvt. Ltd. Kamaladi, 01-4169088 Switchyard of Nilgiri Khola 1 NEA Dana S/S Survey Lic No: 300 Date: 2074-05-08
160 Hiti S/S - Mewa HEP- Middle Mewa HEP 33 kV Transmission Line Project 33 24.73 6.5161 2078-06-15 2103-06-14Mewa Developers Ltd. P.O.Box No: 617, Sanepa-2 Lalitpur, 01-5530135, 5525228, NEA Hiti S/S Headworks of Middle Mewa HPP site Survey Lic No: 476 Date: 2077-06-22
161 Madhya Tamor Transmission Line Project 220 9 358162 2078-06-18 2103-06-17Sanima Middle Tamor Hydropower Ltd. 4373030, 4372828 Switchyard of Middle Tamor NEA Dhungesanghu S/S Survey Lic No: 290 Date: 2074-03-07
162 Chepe Khola Small HP Transmission Line Project 33 20.59 8.63163 2078-06-19 2103-06-18Aashutosh Energy Pvt.Ltd. Banasrhali 16 Kathmandu Switchyard of Project Kirtipur NEA Substaion Survey Lic No: 370 Date: 2075-07-07
163 Gorahi-Madichaur Transmission line 132 36.549 150164 2078-07-15 2103-07-14Nepal Electricity Authority Durbarmarg, Kathmandu PO Box No. 10020, Phone No. 01-4153054 Madichaur Substation at Subarnawati Rolp Ghorahi Substation Survey Lic No: 323 Date: 2074-10-18
164 Grid Connected SPV to Duhabi Transmission Line 33 3 6.8165 2078-07-26 2103-07-25G.I. Solar Private Limited Lalitpur Metropolitan-01, Kupandole; 01-5522769, 9851023732 Switchyard of Project NEA Multifuel Power Plant S/S Survey Lic No: 491 Date: 2078-01-19
165 Borang Naubise (Ratamate) 220/132 kV Transmission Line 220 47.34 1936166 2078-08-09 2103-08-08Nepal Electricity Authority Main office, Darbarmarg, Kathmandu NEA Borang S/S NEA Ratamate, Naubise S/S Survey Lic No: 343 Date: 2075-01-07
166 Sapsup Khola SHP Transmission Line Project 33 2.5 6.6167 2078-08-22 2103-08-21Three Star Hydropower Ltd. Madhyapur Thimi-3 Bhaktapur; 01-6635080; Switchyard of Project NEA Puranagaun Switching Station Survey Lic No: 496 Date: 2078-03-22
167 Upper mailung hydropower transmission line 132 11 14.3168 2078-09-18 2103-09-17Mathillo Mailung Khola Jalbidhyut Company Ltd Shankhpark, Dhumbarahi-04, Kathmandu Upper mailung switchyard at Champani (Ra Trishuli 3B hub substation at Manakamana Survey Lic No: 311 Date: 2074-07-14
168 Upper Machaa Khola HEP 33 kV Transmission Line Project 33 20.57 4.55169 2078-09-27 2103-09-26Bikas Hydropower Company Pvt.Ltd. Kathamndu-16 01-4445083/84 Switchyard of Upper Machaa Khola Hydropo NEA Baseri Substation Survey Lic No: 418 Date: 2076-07-05
169 Kerabari to New Marsyandi 132 kV Transmission Line Project 132 32 120170 2078-11-02 2103-11-01Rastriya Prasaran Grid Company Limited DCC Bhawan, Babarmahal Kathmandu; 01-4222693; Kerabari S/S Gorkha New Marsyandi Substation Tanhun Survey Lic No: 392 Date: 2076-01-22
170 Mewa to Change 132 kV Tr.Ln. in Taplejung District 132 20 154.35171 2078-11-02 2103-11-01Rastriya Prasaran Grid Company Limited Babarmahal, Kahmandu; Tel:01-4266693, P.B.No. 19752; Email Mewa Substation Change Sub-station Survey Lic No: 355 Date: 2075-03-27
171 Tranmission Line for Kabeli B-1 Cascade HEP 33 3 9.94172 2078-11-12 2103-11-11Arun Valley Hydropower Development Company Ltd. GPO Box: 11039, Thapathali, KTM; 01-5111086; Switchyard of Project Kabeli B-1 HEP Pooling S/S Survey Lic No: 502 Date: 2078-05-04
172 Lower Tadi Khola Transmission Line Project 33 3 4.993173 2078-11-20 2103-11-19Buddha Bhumi Nepal Hydro Power Co . Ltd. Panipokhari Maharajgunj-03, KTM, 01-4003050; Switchyard of Project NEA Samundratar S/S Survey Lic No: 516 Date: 2078-08-20
173 Siddhi Khola 33kV Transmission Line Project 33 16 10174 2078-11-23 2103-11-22Siddhi Hydropower company Pvt. Ltd Lalitpur, Nepal: 01-5011841 Swichyard of project NEA Fikkal Substation Survey Lic No: 265 Date: 2073-08-10
174 Sitalpati to Tumlingtar Sankhuwasava District 220 13.615 600175 2078-12-24 2103-12-23Nepal Electricity Authority Main office, Darbarmarg, Kathmandu Sitalpati Substation Tumlingtar Substation Survey Lic No: 368 Date: 2075-06-14
175 Nupche Khola Hydropower Project 132 24 57.5176 2078-12-28 2103-12-27Vision Energy and power Pvt.Ltd. New Baneshwor , Kathmandu , Nepal Switchyard of Nupche Khola HEP NEA Garjyang Substation Survey Lic No: 341 Date: 2074-12-15
176 Upper Gaddi Gad HEP 33 kV Transmission Line Project 33 0.3 1.55177 2079-01-26 2104-01-25Shaileshwori Power Nepal Pvt. Ltd. Sukedhara -04, Kathmandu Switchyard of Project Sana Gaoun S/S Doti Survey Lic No: 488 Date: 2077-11-02
177 Kaligandaki Ridi 132 kV Transmission Line 132 22.45 230178 2079-01-26 2104-01-25Nepal Electricity Authority Main office, Darbarmarg, Kathmandu Switchyard of Kaligandaki Substation NEA Proposed Ridi Substation Survey Lic No: 401 Date: 2076-02-23
178 Dhalkebar Balganga Transmission Line Project 132 23.99 230179 2079-01-29 2104-01-28Nepal Electricity Authority Main office, Darbarmarg, Kathmandu Dhalkebar -Loharpatti Tower No.13 Proposed NEA Balganga Substation Survey Lic No: 404 Date: 2076-03-12
179 Super Madi HPP 132 kV Transmission Line Project 132 19.5 68180 2079-03-07 2104-03-06Super Madi Hydro Power Limited Dillibazar, Kathmandu Switchyard of Super Madi HPP NEA Lekhnath Substation Survey Lic No: 369 Date: 2075-06-15
180 Ghar Khola HEP 33kV Transmission Line Project 33 7 14181 2079-03-12 2104-03-11Shree Myagdi Hydropower Limited Baluwatar-3, Kathmandu Switchyard of Ghar khola HPP NEA Dana Substation Survey Lic No: 390 Date: 2075-12-03
181 Bhumahi Hakoi 132kV Transmission Line Project 132 14.36 200182 2079-03-13 2104-03-12Nepal Electricity Authority Main office, Darbarmarg, Kathmandu Sunwal Substaion Proposed Hakoi Subsation Survey Lic No: 437 Date: 2076-09-04
182 Ratodhunga Upper Myagdi 1 Construction Power Transmission Line Project 33 18.5 4183 2079-03-13 2104-03-12Upper Myagdi Hydropower Pvt. Ltd. Kamaladi-28, Kathmandu; 01-5530135, NEA Ratodhunga S/S Headwork's of Upper Myagdi 1 HEP Survey Lic No: 498 Date: 2078-04-07
183 Transmission Line for Upper Chameliya HEP 132 16 40184 2079-04-09 2104-04-08Api Power Company Limited Trade Tower Nepal Thapathali, Kathmandu-11; 01-5111093 Switchyard of Project NEA Balach S/S Survey Lic No: 533 Date: 2078-12-07
184 Grid Connected Pratappur SPV Joint Transmission Line Project 33 3.768 15185 2079-04-10 2104-04-09National Solar Power Company Pvt. Ltd. Jawalakhel -13 Lalitpur; 01-5275070 Switchyard of Project NEA Gandak S/S Survey Lic No: 525 Date: 2078-10-07
185 Transmission Line for Puwa 2 HEP 33 5 4.96186 2079-04-12 2104-04-11People's Power Limited Kamal Pokhari Kathmandu; 01-4437611 Switchyard of Project Switchyard of Upper Puwa 1 HEP Survey Lic No: 521 Date: 2078-08-28
186 Upper Midim Hydropower Transmission Line Project 33 26.13 7.5187 2079-04-30 2104-04-29Bhujung Hydropower Pvt.Ltd. Devkota Sadak-40781, Mid Baneshwor, Kathmandu-34 Swithchyard of Project (Lamjung) NEA Bhorletar Subsation Survey Lic No: 436 Date: 2076-08-30
187 Mid Solu Khola HPP 132 kV Transmission Line Project 132 0.55 9.5188 2079-05-08 2104-05-07Mid Solu Hydropower Company Pvt. Ltd. Kathmandu-31 Balbhadra Marg, 9851105341; Switchyard of Project LILO at AP 20 of USK TL Survey Lic No: 504 Date: 2078-05-18
188 Upper Fhawa Khola HPP 33 kV Transmission Line 33 7.2 5.8189 2079-05-16 2104-05-15Unitech Hydropower Company Pvt. Ltd. Mid Baneshwor, Kthmandu-31; 01-4106123, Switchyard of Project NEA Kabeli S/S Amarpur Survey Lic No: 474 Date: 2077-06-22
189 Madhya Mewa Dhunge Sangu 132 kV Transmission Line Project 132 10.7 73.5190 2079-05-26 2104-05-25Shree Mewa Developers Pvt. Ltd. Tripureshwor, Kathmandu Switchyard of Madhya Mewa Hydro Power Pr Dhunge Sangu NEA Substation Survey Lic No: 358 Date: 2075-04-29
190 Phukot- Betan 400 kV Transmission Line Project 400 54 2500191 2079-05-31 2104-05-30Rastriye Prasaran Grid Company Limited Babarmahal, Kathmandu; 01-4266693; Proposed Phukot S/S Proposed Betan S/S Survey Lic No: 461 Date: 2077-04-28
191 Betan to Dododhara 400 kV Transmission Line Project 400 37 2647192 2079-05-31 2104-05-30Rastriya Prasaran Grid Company Limited B.P.C Complex, Budhnagar, Kahmandu Proposed Betan S/S Proposed Dododhara S/S Survey Lic No: 406 Date: 2076-03-27
192 Dododhara to Karmadev (Indo-Nepal boarder) 400 kV Transmission line 400 30 2500193 2079-05-31 2104-05-30Rastriya Prasaran Grid Company Limited Buddhanagar, Kathmandu Proposed Dododhara S/S Karmadev Nepal-India boarder Survey Lic No: 305 Date: 2074-05-28
193 Amarpur-Dhungesangu 132 kV Transmission Line Project 132 19.13 200194 2079-06-04 2104-06-03Nepal Electricity Authority Main office, Darbarmarg, Kathmandu Amarpur Substation Dhungesangu Substation Survey Lic No: 397 Date: 2076-02-15
194 Godak Soyak Transmission Line Project 132 6.56 200195 2079-06-04 2104-06-03Nepal Electricity Authority Durbarmanrga Kathmandu, NEA Godak S/S Kabeli Corridor at Soyak Survey Lic No: 455 Date: 2077-01-30
195 Surkhet Dailekh 132kV Transmission Line Project 132 32.05 200196 2079-07-18 2104-07-17Nepal Electricity Authority Main office, Darbarmarg, Kathmandu Surkhet NEA Substation (Surkhet) Dailekh NEA Substation (Dailekh) Survey Lic No: 425 Date: 2076-08-19
196 Lalbandi Salempur 132kV Transmission Line 132 19.85 200197 2079-07-18 2104-07-17Nepal Electricity Authority Main office, Darbarmarg, Kathmandu NEA Nawalpur Substation Proposed Salempur Substation Survey Lic No: 398 Date: 2076-02-15
197 Seti Nadi HEP 132 kV Transmission Line Project 132 3.687 84.595198 2079-07-21 2104-07-20Vision Lumbini Urja Company Ltd Butwal-06, Gurudwapath. Buddhnagar 10, KTM, 01-5902560, 071-544316 Switchyard of Seti Nadi roject NEA Lahacowk S/S Survey Lic No: 538 Date: 2079-01-07
198 Trishuli 3B to Kalikasthan Transmission Line Project 33 5 8199 2079-07-29 2104-07-28Nepal Electricity Authority Durbar Marg, Kathmandu 01-4153007 Proposed Trishuli 3B S/S Proposed Kalikasthan S/S Survey Lic No: 545 Date: 2079-01-26
199 Jhapa Solar PV Transmission Line Project 33 0.7 10200 2079-08-08 2104-08-07Jhapa Energy Limited Birtamod-4, Jhapa Switchyard of Project NEA Buluchowk S/S Survey Lic No: 520 Date: 2078-08-28
200 Sanjen Khola Hydroelectric Project 132 kV Transmission line 132 7.5 78201 2079-08-20 2104-08-19Salasungi Power Pvt. Limited Sanepa, Lalitpur, Tel:- +977-1-5551248, 5535818 Switchyard of Sanjen Khola HP NEA Chilime Hub S/S Survey Lic No: 303 Date: 2074-05-19
201 Doodhpokhari Chepe & Super Chepe HEP Joint Transmission Line 33 24 17.886202 2079-09-29 2104-09-28Doodhpokhari Chepe Hydropower Pvt. Ltd. Kathmandu-10; 9851153723 Switchyard of Project NEA Kirtipur S/S Survey Lic No: 490 Date: 2077-11-11
202 Upper Piluwa Khola-2 HEP 33 kV Transmission Line 33 12 12.42203 2079-10-04 2104-10-03Menchhiyam Hydropower Pvt. Ltd. Lainchour, Kathmandu; 01-4440706, 4440465;9851020604; Switchyard of Project Baneshwor Substation of NEA Survey Lic No: 470 Date: 2077-05-31
203 Lower Selang Hydro power Joint Transmission Line Project 33 14 3.435204 2079-10-24 2104-10-23Sewa Hydro Limited, Lalitpur-10, Jwagal,; 01-5260699 Switchyard of Lower Selang Project NEA Chautara S/S Survey Lic No: 563 Date: 2079-05-22
204 Namarjun Madi Hydro Power Project 132 4.6 12205 2079-10-24 2104-10-23Himalayan Hydro Power Ltd. Budhnagar , Kathmandu, 9843176324, 9751076999 Switchyard of Namarjun Madi Hydro Power Switchyard of Upper Madi Hydropower Proj Survey Lic No: 377 Date: 2075-09-20
205 Yambaling HPP Transmission Line Project 33 7 7.27206 2079-10-24 2104-10-23Yambaling Hydropower Ltd. Jwagal-10, Lalitpur 015550934 Switchyard of Project Switchyard of Upper Balephi A Survey Lic No: 539 Date: 2079-01-08
206 Grid Connected SPV (Block 1 & Block 2) Banke Joint Transmission 33 15 20207 2079-11-29 2104-11-28Pure Energy Pvt. Ltd. Hyatt Palace, Kathmandu-13; 9801063049, Switchyard of Project NEA Kohalpur S/S Survey Lic No: 503 Date: 2078-05-04
207 Bhaktpur-Thimi 132 kV Under Ground Transmission Line Project 132 3.27 280208 2079-12-01 2104-11-30Nepal Electricity Authority Main office, Darbarmarg, Kathmandu Bhaktpur 132kV Substation Proposed Thimi Substation Survey Lic No: 405 Date: 2076-03-20
208 Super Kabeli Khola A, Super Kbeli Khola Cascade & Kabeli-3 HEP Joint Transmissi 132 30.35 47.43209 2079-12-09 2104-12-08Snow Rivers Pvt. Ltd. GPO Box: 20762 Lazimpat Kathamndu-2 Nepal, 9851220305 Switchyard of Kabeli Khola A Project NEA Amarpur S/S Survey Lic No: 522 Date: 2078-09-02
209 Kohalpur Nepalgunj 132kV ransmission Line Project 132 11 200210 2079-12-23 2104-12-22Nepal Electricity Authority Main office, Darbarmarg, Kathmandu NEA Kohalpur Substation NEA Proposed Janaki Substation Survey Lic No: 429 Date: 2076-08-19
210 Parwanipur Pokhariya 132 kV Transmission Line Project 132 20 250211 2079-12-28 2104-12-27Nepal Electricity Authority Durbar Marg, Kathmandu 01-4153007 NEA Parwanipur S/S Proposed Pokhariya S/S Survey Lic No: 512 Date: 2078-08-14
211 Rupani Bodebarsain 132 kV Transmission Line Project 132 18.605 200212 2079-12-29 2104-12-28Nepal Electricity Authority Main office, Darbarmarg, Kathmandu NEA Rupani S/S Proposed Bodebarsain S/S Survey Lic No: 430 Date: 2076-08-19
212 Down Piluwa Khola 33 kV Transmission Line Project 33 3.34 10.3213 2080-02-29 2105-02-28Rver Falls Power Limited Kathmandu-28, Kamaladi, 01-5902330 Switchyard of Project NEA Baneshwor S/S Survey Lic No: 582 Date: 2079-10-26
213 Koshi Corridor 220kV T. L. Dharan Sub Station Project 220 0.6 100214 2080-02-29 2105-02-28Nepal Electricity Authority Durbar Marg Kathmandu AP 57/2 of Koshi Corridor AP 57/2 of Koshi Corridor Survey Lic No: 492 Date: 2078-01-24
214 Bhim khola Hydro Power Project Baglung District 33 7 4.96215 2080-02-32 2105-02-31Shikhar Power Development Limited Baneshwor, Kahmandu Contact No. 9851133303 Bhim Khola Hydro Power Project NEA Burtiwang Substation Survey Lic No: 359 Date: 2075-04-29
215 Sangu Khola Hydro Power Project 132 7.4 30.5216 2080-04-11 2105-04-10Him Parvat Hydro Power Pvt .Ltd. Tripureshwor, Kathmandu Sangu Khola Hydro Power Project Singati Substation Survey Lic No: 348 Date: 2075-03-12
216 Upper Chirkhwa Hydropower Transmission Line Project 33 19.4 22.91217 2080-04-11 2105-04-10Chirkhwa Hydropower Ltd. Koteshwor, Kathmandu-32 Switchyard of Project (Bhojpur) Tumlingtar Substation(Sankhuwasabha) Survey Lic No: 435 Date: 2076-08-30
217 Liping Khola HEP Transmission Line Project 132 14 16.26218 2080-04-16 2105-04-15Him River Power Pvt. Ltd. Narayanchaur, Naxal, KTM; 01-4441535 Switchyard of Project Upper Chaku HEP Swithyard Survey Lic No: 540 Date: 2079-01-08
218 Upper Ingwa Transmission Line Project 33 16 9.7219 2080-05-12 2105-05-11Ingwa Hydro Power Ltd, Trade Tower Thapathali-11; KTM; 01-5111093 Switchyard of Project NEA Amarpur S/S Survey Lic No: 517 Date: 2078-08-20
219 Mathillo Suri Khola Hydro Power Transmission Line Project 33 4.3 7220 2080-05-22 2105-05-21Shree Makar Jitumaya Hydro Power Pvt.Ltd. Tripureshwor, Kathmandu Switchyard of Mathillo Suri Khola Hydro Switchyard of Suri Khola Hydro Power Pro Survey Lic No: 349 Date: 2075-03-12
220 Sangu khola-1 Hydro Power Project 33 5.83 5.5221 2080-07-22 2105-07-21Him Parbat Hydropower Pvt. Ltd. Tripureshwor, Kathmandu, Phone:- 4117008 Switchyard of Sangu khola-1 Hydro Powe Switchyard of Sangu khola Hydro Power Pr Survey Lic No: 350 Date: 2075-03-17
221 Chobar Patan 132 kV Transmission Line Project 132 4.5 300222 2080-08-12 2105-08-11Nepal Electricity Authority Durbar Marg, Kathmandu 01-4153007 Chobar S/S Patan S/S Survey Lic No: 528 Date: 2078-11-06
222 Chandrapur Sukdev Chowk 132kV Transmission Line Project 132 36 200223 2080-08-19 2105-08-18Nepal Electricity Authority Main office, Darbarmarg, Kathmandu NEA ChandrpurSubstation Proposed NEA Substation at Saruatha Survey Lic No: 423 Date: 2076-08-16
223 Upper Piluwa 3 HPP Transmission Line 33 14 4.95224 2080-09-02 2105-09-01Mabilung Energy Ltd. Lalitpur-10, Mobile: 9841509412; Email: Switchyard of Project NEA Baneshwar S/S Sankhuwasabha Survey Lic No: 465 Date: 2077-05-07
224 Lower Erkhuwa Khola Transmission Line Project 33 3.1 14.15225 2080-09-08 2105-09-07Lower Erkhuwa Hydropower Co. Pvt. Ltd. Binayak Nagar, KTM-10; 015172683/85 Switchyard of Lower ErkhuwaProject Switchyard of Chirkhuwa HEP Survey Lic No: 552 Date: 2079-03-06
225 Rele khola Transmission Line Project 33 4.23 6226 2080-10-14 2105-10-13Him Consult Pvt.Ltd. sahavagita marg 10 , kathmandu, nepal Switchyard of Rele khola HEP Dana substation Survey Lic No: 351 Date: 2075-03-12
226 Bafikot- Khungri 132 kV Transmission Line 132 75 200227 2080-10-14 2105-10-13Nepal Electricity Authority Durbarmarg, Kathmandu Uttarganga Hub Substation at Banphikot, Proposed Khungri Substation at Khungri Survey Lic No: 600 Date: 2080-03-07
227 Junbesi Khola HPP Transmission Line Project 33 6 5.2228 2080-10-16 2105-10-15Dovan Hydropower Pvt. Ltd. Min Bhawan, New baneshwor KTM; 01-6214401, Switchyard of Project Switchyard of Upper Solukhola HEP Survey Lic No: 510 Date: 2078-07-22
228 Thulo Khola HPP 220 kVTransmission Line Project 220 8.4 21.3229 2080-11-03 2105-11-02Samyukta Urja Private Limited Kupandole, Lalitpur; 9841599452 Switchyard of Thulo Khola HPP 220 kVSwitchyard of Rahughat Mangle HPP Survey Lic No: 553 Date: 2079-03-07
229 New Butwal Lamahi Transmission Line 400 160.8 4000230 2080-11-27 2105-11-26Nepal Electricity Authority Durbarmarga Kathmandu New Butwal Substation Lamahi Substation Survey Lic No: 457 Date: 2077-04-12
230 Arun Corridor (Haitar- Sitalpati) 400 kV Transmission Line Project 400 35 4400231 2080-11-30 2105-11-29Rastriya Prasaran Grid Company Ltd DCC Bhawan Babarmahal, Kathmandu; 01-4222693; Haitar S/S Sitalpati S/S Survey Lic No: 332 Date: 2074-12-01
231 Lower Modi New Modi 132 kV Transmission Line Project 132 8.51 200232 2080-12-12 2105-12-11Nepal Electricity Authority Durbar Marg, Kathmandu 01-4153007 Lower Modi S/S New Modi S/S Survey Lic No: 551 Date: 2079-03-06
232 Prasauni Birgaunj 132 kV Underground Transmission Line 132 3.2 300233 2080-12-12 2105-12-11Nepal Electricity Authority Durbar Marg, Kathmandu 01-4153007 Proposed Prasauni S/S NEA Birgunj (Gandak) S/S Survey Lic No: 537 Date: 2079-01-07
233 Luja Kola & Rauje Khola- Tingla Transmission Line Project 132 32.84 42.88234 2080-12-28 2105-12-27Silk Power Pvt. Ltd. Madhyapur Thimi-3, Bhaktapur; 9841018543 Switchyard of Luja Khola Project NEA Tingla S/S Survey Lic No: 524 Date: 2078-09-27
234 Dudhkund Khola Tingala Transmission Line Project 33 24.58 12235 2081-01-20 2106-01-19Mount Everest Power Development Pvt. Ltd. Lalitpur Metropolitan-15, Mahalaxmisthan; 01-5527469, Switchyard of Project NEA Tingla S/S Survey Lic No: 505 Date: 2078-05-27
235 Madame Khola - Super Madi Transmission Line Project 132 13.43 24236 2081-01-21 2106-01-20Madame Khola Hydropower Pvt. Ltd. Devkota Sadak-40781, Mid Baneshwor, Kathmandu-34; 01-4480564; info@madamehydro.c Switchyard of Project Switchyard of Super Madi HPP Survey Lic No: 466 Date: 2077-05-17
236 Seti Khola 33 kV Transmission Line Project 33 12.27 3.5237 2081-01-28 2106-01-27Parbat Painya Khola Hydropower Company Pvt. Ltd. Tokha-05, Dhapasi, Kathmandu 01-4365425 Switchyard of Project NEA, Lankhu S/S Survey Lic No: 579 Date: 2079-10-04
237 Tamakoshi V HEP 220 kV Transmission Line Project 220 3.4 577.8238 2081-02-09 2106-02-08Tamakoshi Jalvidhyut Company Ltd. Oharboat Marg Thapagaoun , New Baneshowr; 01-4245061/63/67, Tower No. 17 of UTKCL TL Tower No. 18 of UTKCL TL Survey Lic No: 481 Date: 2077-08-26
238 Buku Khola Garjyang 33 kV Transmission Line Project 33 18.725 6239 2081-02-17 2106-02-16Appolo Hydropower Ltd. Nagpokhari Kathmandu Switchyard of Project NEA Garjyang Substation Survey Lic No: 576 Date: 2079-09-08
239 Chepe A HEP transmission Line Project 33 4.28 7240 2081-03-02 2106-03-01Champawati Hydro Power Ltd. Nagarjun-1, Raniban, Kathmandu Switchyard of Project Parajuli Gaun LILO Switching S/S Survey Lic No: 627 Date: 2080-12-08
240 Mewa Khola Hydro Power Transmission Line Project 132 7.08 50241 2081-03-04 2106-03-03United Mewa Khola Hydro Power Pvt.Ltd. Dillibazar -29, Kathmandu Mewa Khola Hydro Power Project Switchyar Dhungesangu NEA Substation Survey Lic No: 378 Date: 2075-09-23
241 Lankhuwa Khola Sana HPP - Tumlingtar S/S 33 kV Transmission Line Project 33 19 5242 2081-03-04 2106-03-03Sabhapokhari Hydro Power Ltd. Bansathali Kathmandu 01-4390229 Switchyard of Project NEA Tumlingtar S/S Survey Lic No: 575 Date: 2079-09-18
242 Lahan Sukhipur 132kV Transmission Line Project 132 16.136 200243 2081-03-07 2106-03-06Nepal Electricity Authority Main office, Darbarmarg, Kathmandu Lahan NEA Substation(Siraha) Proposed Sukhipur NEA Substation(Siraha) Survey Lic No: 428 Date: 2076-08-19
243 Khimti-2 HEP - Garjyang- New Khimti Tower Number AP26-27 132 kV transmission lin 132 1.81 48.8244 2081-03-07 2106-03-06Peoples Energy Limited Shree Krishna Sadan, New Baneshwor-10, Kathmandu, Phone:- +977-1-4781891, 478603 Khimti-2 Powerhouse/switchyard NEA Garjyang- New Khimti Tower Number AP Survey Lic No: 554 Date: 2079-03-13
244 Dailekh-Kalikot-Jumla 132 kV Transmission Line and Substation Project 132 82.14 238245 2081-03-14 2106-03-13Nepal Electricity Authority Main office, Darbarmarg, Kathmandu Dailekh Substation Jumla Substation Survey Lic No: 444 Date: 2076-09-16
245 Lower Indrawati 66 kV Transmission Line project 66 0.21104 12246 2081-03-25 2106-03-24National Hydro Power Co. Ltd. New Baneshwor-10 KTM, 01-5172683; Switchyard of Project Existing 66 kV TL of Indrawati-III (LIL Survey Lic No: 580 Date: 2079-10-09
246 Suni Gad HEP 33 kV Transmission Line Project 33 9.46 11.05247 2081-04-08 2106-04-07Omega Energy Developer Pvt. Ltd. Kathmandu-04, Chandole, 01-4529044 Switchyard of Project NEA Chainpur S/S Survey Lic No: 613 Date: 2080-06-26
247 Langtang Khola Swichyard to Chilime Hub Transmission Line Project 132 3.876 20248 2081-04-15 2106-04-14Multi Energy Development Pvt. Ltd. GPO Box:10242 Kathamndu 01-4781891; Switchyard of Project NEA Chilime Hub S/S Survey Lic No: 542 Date: 2079-01-11
248 Galchhi Ratamate 220 kV Transmission Line Project 220 8.5 1147249 2081-04-18 2106-04-17Nepal Electricity Authority Durbar Marg, Kathmandu 01-4153007 Galchhi NEA Ratamate, Naubise S/S Survey Lic No: 549 Date: 2079-02-17
249 Rasuwa Bhotekoshi HEP TL Project 220 3.608 120250 2081-04-32 2106-04-31Langtang Bhotekoshi Hydropower Company Pvt. Ltd. 01-4440706 Respective Switchyard of the project Chilime Hub at Chilime VDC, Rasuwa Survey Lic No: 298 Date: 2074-04-29
250 Super Hewa khola- Baneswor 33 kV Transmission Line Project 33 14.07 6251 2081-05-06 2106-05-05Super Hewa Power Company Ltd. Anamnagar, Kathmandu; 01-4388307, 4388299; Switchyard of Project NEA Baneshwor S/S Survey Lic No: 535 Date: 2078-12-07
251 Betan Karnali HEP 400 kV Transmission Line Project 400 5 439252 2081-06-06 2106-06-05Betan Karnali Snchayakarta Hydropower Co.Ltd. Durbarmarg Kathmandu; 01-4244903, E-mail: Respective Switchyard of the Project Baghmara S/S Betan Hub Surkhet Survey Lic No: 471 Date: 2077-06-04
252 Upper Thulo Khola A HPP 132 kV Transmission Line Project 132 16 22.5253 2081-07-02 2106-07-01Thulo Khola Hydropoer Ltd. Mid Baneshwor-31, Kathmandu; 01-5321777 Switchyard of Project NEA Dana S/S Survey Lic No: 544 Date: 2079-01-26
253 Buku Kapati 33 kV Transmission line Project 33 10.9 5254 2081-07-07 2106-07-06Him Star Urja Company Ltd. Tusal, Kathmandu-7; 9851105711 Switchyard of Project NEA Bamti S/S Survey Lic No: 577 Date: 2079-10-04
254 33 kV Transmission Line for Dharamnagar Solar Farm 33 3.3 25255 2081-07-25 2106-07-24Pashupati Renewables Pvt. Ltd. 36 Macchapucchre Marg, Gyaneshwar, Kathmandu, Phone No. 9801025634 Dharamnagar Solar Farm switchyard NEA Chaunata Substation Survey Lic No: 546 Date: 2079-02-05
255 Super Nyadi 132 kV Transmission Line Project 132 5.5 42.6256 2081-08-07 2106-08-06Siuri Nyadi Power Ltd. Hanumanstan, Anamnagar, Kathmandu, 01-5705159 Switchyard of Project Switchyard of Nyadi HEP Survey Lic No: 557 Date: 2079-04-11
256 Jeera Bhawani Sedwa Solar Plant Transmission Line 33 3.5 10257 2081-08-10 2106-08-09Tarai Solar Pvt. Ltd. Gahanapokhari, KTM-05; 01-4419321 Switchyard of Project NEA Sedwa S/S Survey Lic No: 606 Date: 2080-04-08
257 Upper Modi A and Upper Modi HEP 132 kV Transmission Line 132 11.5 60.2258 2081-10-07 2106-10-06Modi Jalvidyut Company Limited United World Trade Centre, Tripureshwor; 01-4117167, Switchyard of Upper Modi A HEP New Modi S/S Survey Lic No: 480 Date: 2077-08-26
258 Hidi Khola Transmission Line Project 33 10.176 6.82259 2081-11-02 2106-11-01White Lotus Power Ltd. New Baneshwor -10, Kathmandu, 01-4785660 Switchyard of Project Switchyard of Nyadi HEP Survey Lic No: 565 Date: 2079-06-12; Single Ckt
259 Upper Lohore Khola Hydropower Company Ltd. 33 2.8 4260 2081-11-06 2106-11-05 Upper Lohore Khola Hydropower Company Ltd. Kathmandu Respective Switchyard of the project Switchyard of Padam Khola HPP Survey Lic No: 670 Date: 2081-07-05